The ‘Crap Journalism’ effect

How four charts are all that’s needed to demolish the ABC’s pathetic defence of an NBN lie. If you need further explanation, it’s below. Background The other day the ABC published a story about the NBN that effectively claimed that Netflix was the cause of congestion problems in part of its network. The ABC article […]

Is my enemy’s enemy my friend?

Everybody knows the proverb “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. I don’t think so. Quite apart from the simplistic, black-and-white division of the world into friends and enemies, I think it’s a morally dangerous idea. It might encapsulate a frequent truth about expedient political alliances, but more often than not I think it […]

“Facebook Ethics” joins “Military Intelligence”, “Airline Food”, and “Honest Politicians”

Most Facebook subscribers understand that they’re not only users of Facebook’s services, they’re its product. That is, Facebook isn’t really “free”; the price you pay is giving Facebook access to your personal information: who your friends are, where you go, what you do, how you’re feeling, what products you use, and so on. What subscribers may […]