$3.57 a day? Don’t Spend It All At Once!

$3.57 a day? Don’t Spend It All At Once! Or, buy a weekday copy of The Australian for $3.50 to find out how much of a dole bludger you are. Morrison’s cruel, unnecessary drop in benefits.

Explaining Morrison’s Momentary Munificence

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. J. K. Galbraith   There are many questions raised by the headline graph, but to begin with I want to focus on just one: the unemployment benefit. Here’s the question: […]

“Facebook Ethics” joins “Military Intelligence”, “Airline Food”, and “Honest Politicians”

Most Facebook subscribers understand that they’re not only users of Facebook’s services, they’re its product. That is, Facebook isn’t really “free”; the price you pay is giving Facebook access to your personal information: who your friends are, where you go, what you do, how you’re feeling, what products you use, and so on. What subscribers may […]