“How I defeated China” by S. Grant, Year 10

Teacher’s comments. “Folly” is a good word to summarise this essay, Grant. It contains errors of fact, logic, rhetoric, hubris, and, most glaringly, gender. Grant, only a blithely unconscious male could have written, unironically of the silencing of a woman who dared make public her claims of rape and sexual abuse, & present it as […]

Oh what a lovely war!

[Please excuse the slightly chaotic tweet screenshot nature of this post. Twitter won’t provide client software with thread contents past a certain date, and the only alternative is to paste each tweet individually, which is as tiresome for me as it is confusing for you.] They’re definitely on a roll now, in fact the duopoly […]

Scott & Rupert sitting in a tree, K, I, S, S, I, N, G

This would be hilarious if it wasn’t the largest publishing empire in the country in a coordinated attempt to gaslight an entire nation. This isn’t one paper, or one editor, none of them can possibly claim editorial independence when it’s as blatant as this. @Murdoch_RC Make no mistake, the China rhetoric is a key component […]

Is Stan Grant A Warmonger?

Disclaimer: this article is my personal opinion only. It’s a specific criticism of an online article about the unrest in the Solomon Islands, and then by inference what it tells us about the consequences of a rise in Chinese influence, culminating with the possibility of WAR WITH CHINA. Stan Grant is the ABC’s resident China […]