Financial journalists, still making political journalists look good

Siri, what is hubris? Ta… It would be funny, if it weren’t so serious. The market is *always* right, serious-faced economists tell us, because it’s the ultimate arbiter. But financial commentators are righter. Reality and science don’t even rate a mention in this universe. Let’s just parse this hot take. Scientists and medical experts have […]

They Rorted Sports And Carparks, Why Not Vaccines?

To say that vaccine supply and distribution in Australia is opaque is putting it mildly. [2021-09-13] Since I first published this article in late July there have been a number of revelations regarding disproportionate distribution of vaccines. Some have been made, we’re told, with the agreement of State premiers, however others have only emerged as […]

I Have Vaccine Questions, Morrison’s Still Not Answering

There’s less than three weeks to go before Australia’s largest, most complex and most crucial public health initiative, and all we’ve got for answers is four PowerPoint slides8. Where are all the details? We don’t know.

Misrepresenting Vaccine Statistics: Probably Bullshit (p=0.01)

How can five different statements about the efficacy of the same vaccine all be technically correct, while at least four of them are misleading, probably intentionally? Easy.

no vaccine for bullshit

Bullshit Vaccine Needed Against Vaccine Bullshit

“The first casualty of war is the truth”
For months I’ve watched with growing alarm the obvious bullshit being fed to us by politicians on the subject of Covid-19 vaccines. Even more alarming sometimes has been bullshit from government health experts. For politicians to lie, obfuscate or evade is second nature, but when experts and scientists start playing fast and loose with facts, or decide that “you can’t handle the truth” then it’s past time to call it for what it is.

The Share Market — Better Than Covid Facts, Apparently

On Saturday the ABC published an article with the remarkable headline “The share market is telling us how we’re doing in the fight against coronavirus“. The article was by a business journalist, so I suppose the old aphorism that “if all you’ve got is a hammer everything looks like a nail” applies, but it’s a […]

Explaining Morrison’s Momentary Munificence

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. J. K. Galbraith   There are many questions raised by the headline graph, but to begin with I want to focus on just one: the unemployment benefit. Here’s the question: […]