Explaining Morrison’s Momentary Munificence

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. J. K. Galbraith   There are many questions raised by the headline graph, but to begin with I want to focus on just one: the unemployment benefit. Here’s the question: […]

We are all equal under the law

Or – a dam doesn’t care where the river starts In a secular society like Australia the source of an individual’s moral code should be irrelevant; what matters is their behaviour. If the law says you may not throw stones at people, then if two individuals both throw stones at someone, one of them isn’t […]

Is my enemy’s enemy my friend?

Everybody knows the proverb “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. I don’t think so. Quite apart from the simplistic, black-and-white division of the world into friends and enemies, I think it’s a morally dangerous idea. It might encapsulate a frequent truth about expedient political alliances, but more often than not I think it […]