Rust, go to sleep

As the next federal election draws inexorably closer we’re seeing a rapid increase in the amount of partisan and hyper-partisan sentiment on social media. The most vitriolic and abusive examples of this commentary aren’t between supporters of the right and the left, however, they’re between the ALP and the Greens. I’ve grown tired of pointing […]

Lies, Damn Lies, and Wishful Thinking

Death of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation greatly exaggerated. Writing about the Queensland election results I am struck by the similarities with the press coverage of the 45th Presidential elections in the U.S.A. which I wrote about previously. Here, as there, there have been multiple, almost 180 degree shifts in predictions about the election result. Here, as […]

Come in spinner!

Come in spinner!

Read this. And weep. The implications of this story should be painfully obvious, but public debate these days is so polarised and facts so irrelevant that perhaps I’ll just list a few. Both sides of politics have displayed breathtaking hypocrisy in their treatment of asylum seekers. Both sides. Luckily there are more than two […]