The ABC Still Has A Problem With Gas

The unfortunate juxtaposition of these two articles, not just on the same day, but literally next to each other on the front page, provides a perfect illustration of two things. Firstly, the ABC’s continuing gaslighting of the Australian public about our gas supplies and prices; and secondly that it’s not an accident. For the gaslighting […]

Oh what a lovely war!

[Please excuse the slightly chaotic tweet screenshot nature of this post. Twitter won’t provide client software with thread contents past a certain date, and the only alternative is to paste each tweet individually, which is as tiresome for me as it is confusing for you.] They’re definitely on a roll now, in fact the duopoly […]

Scott & Rupert sitting in a tree, K, I, S, S, I, N, G

This would be hilarious if it wasn’t the largest publishing empire in the country in a coordinated attempt to gaslight an entire nation. This isn’t one paper, or one editor, none of them can possibly claim editorial independence when it’s as blatant as this. @Murdoch_RC Make no mistake, the China rhetoric is a key component […]

Culpability of the Fourth Estate (an infinite series)

What I find remarkable about Sargent’s op-ed is not his (or Rosen’s, or Karl’s) apparently recent discovery that Trump’s lying was deliberate and strategic, what is remarkable is that he should continue the truly unbelievable narrative that the press weren’t complicit. There’s plenty of hand-wringing about how difficult it was, for FOUR YEARS, to discover […]

Culpability of the Fourth Estate (redux)

Even with the benefit of hindsight, experienced senior journalists keep analysing the wallpaper and ignoring the elephant in the room. There’s plenty here about what a scurvy villain Morrison is, cooking up this scheme to mislead journalists and (shock, horror) denigrate a lawfully constituted body. Absolutely NOTHING about how mainstream media happily ran with […]