The ABC Still Has A Problem With Gas

The unfortunate juxtaposition of these two articles, not just on the same day, but literally next to each other on the front page, provides a perfect illustration of two things. Firstly, the ABC’s continuing gaslighting of the Australian public about our gas supplies and prices; and secondly that it’s not an accident. For the gaslighting […]

european gas prices last 5 years

Blackout? Don’t Worry, the ABC Will Gaslight You

On Thursday, the ABC published a story about the “east coast power crisis”, claiming to explain what was happening. In my opinion, what ABC readers received instead was some vintage ABC “balanced” gaslighting. This kind of article is characterised by: Selective use of the “reporter’s voice”—the voice of true, verified facts—as distinct from attributed quotes. […]

Buttrose’s performative defiance

Having watched and frequently decried the slow destruction of the ABC from within and without in accordance with Murdoch/IPA/LNP principles, I’m torn by this sudden access of principle. Prima facie, yes, absolutely, this is outrageous. Tediously so. Statement from Ita Buttrose, ABC Chair, on ABC complaints handling process. It’s a typical Dead Overton Whistle, a […]

“How I defeated China” by S. Grant, Year 10

Teacher’s comments. “Folly” is a good word to summarise this essay, Grant. It contains errors of fact, logic, rhetoric, hubris, and, most glaringly, gender. Grant, only a blithely unconscious male could have written, unironically of the silencing of a woman who dared make public her claims of rape and sexual abuse, & present it as […]

Is Stan Grant A Warmonger?

Disclaimer: this article is my personal opinion only. It’s a specific criticism of an online article about the unrest in the Solomon Islands, and then by inference what it tells us about the consequences of a rise in Chinese influence, culminating with the possibility of WAR WITH CHINA. Stan Grant is the ABC’s resident China […]

ABC Amplifies Anti-vaxxers

This is a long-form version of complaint C26280-21 submitted to the ABC today, relating to an article about Anti-vaxxers and vaccine mandate impacts also published today. The URL is at the end of the article. I was sufficiently distressed by this article to write and submit a complaint, which had to be a shorter version […]

ABC Jobseeker Headlines Leave Jobless Stunned

Most readers have the attention span of a gnat. Which is why the headline and the lede—the initial paragraph—are so critical to a story, and are often all that a reader will see. The impressions gained there are usually all that is left from “reading the news”. So headlines with emotive language and stories with […]

The Share Market — Better Than Covid Facts, Apparently

On Saturday the ABC published an article with the remarkable headline “The share market is telling us how we’re doing in the fight against coronavirus“. The article was by a business journalist, so I suppose the old aphorism that “if all you’ve got is a hammer everything looks like a nail” applies, but it’s a […]

A Tale Of Two Headlines

I’ll freely admit science journalism is a hobby-horse of mine, but I don’t think you need to be either a scientist or a writer to detect the not-so-subtle difference between the two headlines above. In fact, you could be forgiven for thinking they were written about two different scientific papers; but they weren’t. They were […]